I measured it coming down.
Best guess is that I made it up about a quarter of that before getting off my bike and walking.
That's right!
I walked.
I got the blisters to prove it!
First rest stop, heart rate at 162:

This is the Ka'iwi coast.
I rested a bit and then got in another couple hundred yard before I gave up.
Off the bike, heart rate 168:

Not there yet:

Somewhere along here I decided that I don't like road where you look up and see sky.
The views though were spectacular:

Still not there yet:

There were lots of people going up and down the road. If you wanted to try and climb it on your bike, you're safe if you fall over and collapse, someone will come along to help.
Getting some altitude:

That's not the curve of the Earth by the way, that's my POS Nikon L20.
If you look good at the top picture, you can see the island of Moloka'i on the horizon. You could actually see Haleakala on Maui, it was that clear.
Unfortunately, it doesn't show in the pictures.
Still not there:

Here's a pic where I boosted the contrast so that Moloka'i, about 32 miles away, is visible:

I'm not sure if the access road was built specifically for the lighthouse. At the top, there are several military pillboxes, I would guess built during WWII for observation purposes.
We were under attack don't you know.
I can see the top, and finally the lighthouse:

The lighthouse is actually below the summit. There is no public access to the lighthouse, which is automated.
You can read more about it here.
At the summit, which is about 700 feet above sea level, there are two observing areas, both protected by railings.
The path the to the upper platform is weather beaten:

There are also more pillboxes to visit if you are so inclined.
There are trails that lead up to them, but it is no longer paved:

No way was I going to try that with my bike shoes so I just chilled out a bit and took in the view.
Part III on the way.
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