I just seem to accumulate more stuff!
Well, it's bicycle stuff so it's not like it's bad stuff.
Bicycle stuff is always good stuff.
Today, in the mail, I got this:
Okay, not really bicycle related stuff, unless you take performance enhancing drugs like me.
I got this via the Two Johns Podcast, see also the link at right, as they acquired a whole mess of this sort of EPO swag from another listener.
Actually I was hoping for some stuff from these folks:
Yes Virginia, I really do shoot up the EPO!
Three times a week, I get my PEDs:
Actually, I keep buggin them to give me more, but no chance.
Apparently, there's a limit on how high your hemoglobin levels can go when you are on EPO.
Folks have died on this stuff don't you know.
Believe it or not, that little dose in the picture above is enough to raise my levels a couple of points!
The folks with serious kidney failure get like ten times that dosage.
Since we're on the subject of things I get intravenously, here's how they give me iron:
Seriously, it looks like some iron oxide or something.
Funny thing is, when you get stuff intravenously, you can actually taste it when it hits your bloodstream.
I've never tasted the EPO, but the iron stuff I swear tastes like Watney's Red Barrel Beer:
If you've ever had a Red Barrel Beer, it's not a taste you soon forget!
Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've had a beer.
Anyways, back to the bicycle stuff.
I got to thinking that it would be a tragedy if I ever dropped a chain on the Celeste Devil.
Actually I never shift to the big ring, so I never downshift to the small one either.
Still, I was compelled to purchase one of these:
Deda Dog Fang thingy.
Keeps your chain from destroying your precious jewel of a bicycle:
I think it's supposed to mount a bit lower and closer to the ring, but I just sort of stuck it on there before I left for my ride.
There are some other devices out there that do the same thing, even some home brew stuff that I'll try to make when I have time, but the Deda Fang is the cheapest.
I hope I never get to try it out.
Well, I had some other stuff you show off, but this post is getting sort of long winded so I'll save it for later.
Can't live with it, can't live without it.
I have one of those chain fang things. They work, but I can testify that even if everything's set up right, you can still fall in such a matter that you'll get chain gunk on your nice paint around the bottom bracket. Especially if the bike hits hard on the left side as you go down hard, but then that's not so likely on a road bike in Hawaii. Right?
I've got a chain fang too, and somehow, I got the chain on the inside of the fang, off the little chain ring. Once I got the chain back on, I moved the fang a little closer.
I used to make my own beer, and people could taste the iron in my beer - we have high iron concentration in the water. Maybe Watney's uses high-iron water also? I'll bet that's why their barrels keep turning red!
Grotney's! It tastes like iron! No, I don't think that will catch on. Another option would be to remove the front derailleur and a couple chain rings, if you never use them.
Steve A., Big Oak, so the fang thingy is set as close to the ring as possible, but do you put it above, even or below the chain?
I got mine set just below.
JRA, not ready to get rid of chain rings yet.
I have been eyeballing some pista frames though.
Kinda, sorta.
The Watney's beer is an acquired taste. I have to admit, that the first sip goes down pretty hard.
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