At all.
I had two wet limpy things that burned like Korean style noodles.
More on that later.
No Early Edition today either for I was out scouting a new place for the Portable Kiln.
Looks like we found a new home for it, and hopefully I can do some high fire ceramic stuffs again.
If I ever get off the couch.
Well, if the kiln goes where it's going, I will be forced to get off the couch and actually summon my Jedi skills and get back to making what I usually make.
More stuffs.
So anyways, I was couching around and I looked out the window and it was turning into a beautiful day and my vacation time is running out so I decided to get out of house and ride around for a bit.
My legs didn't feel all that great after yesterday.
Yesterday, I was supposed to take it easy, but just for the hell of it I hit the gas while on the Big Ring and managed to hit like 29mph.
A new Flat Tire Record!
Almost Super Sonic!
Well anyways, that sort of cooked my legs for today and even after warming up a bit, they were still somewhere around the corner.
My legs I mean.
I did want to head out to Lanikai, for I heard the oama were coming in.
Oama, are like baby goatfish, they come in to shallow water in schools and you get this small pole and small hook and stand around all day and get sunburned and catch them.
You can deep fry em or use em for bait to catch bigger fish.
Anyways, I heard that they had been spotted out in Lanikai so off I went to have a look:
I didn't see any fish or any fishermen standing around with poles, so maybe it's not quite the right time.
I'll check again next weekend.
Lanikai beach has been slowly going back into the ocean.
You can see here, the water is some folks' back yard:
That's me standing near the rock wall.
Okay, not really.
Besides walls and piles of rocks, some have taken to sand bag like thingys to keep the water from taking the grass out to sea:
There's still a beach here though, just not as much of it:
I gotta say, what's left of it is still pretty darn nice.
There was a time when I'd take a book and my favorite cold beverage and spend the afternoons there.
On the beach I mean.
I even lost my keys there once.
That's another story.
Anyways, I didn't see any small fishys so off I went, not really pedaling, but more like riding a push bike.
Seems my Constant Velocity Thighs were taking the day off.
I decided I was hungry now and I was thinking of a burrito but the burrito place I wanted to eat at was about five or six miles up and down the hill.
I thought about it for like five minutes while standing in the shade and decided to sample some burritoness a little closer to home:
That's all that was left by the time I remembered to document the event.
It was really humungasoid though and pretty tasty.
I'll try to remember next time to show you the pristine burritoness, not the destroyed version.
I had that leftover part cause I was getting "the look" from The Dog:
I tried to stare him down, but he won.
He liked the burritoness too.
Anyways, Tuesday is my last full day off so I'm trying to decide where to go.
I need to get in one more epic/semi-epic ride before my vacation ends.
Weather permitting of course.
Stay tuned.
Summer: almost gone!
I'm sad.
Kinda sorta.
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