Anyways, I'm missing my bike.
No, it hasn't gone anywhere, but it seems like it's been some time since I've actually been on it.
Lemme see, you can't count last Sunday, for I took out the Barn Door and Saturday was only like eight miles cause I wasn't feeling so hot.
You know what really sucks?
Seeing people out riding around when you are stuck doing something else, like driving a car.
Or stuck at work.
Or doing something else that doesn't involve two wheels and some pedals.
I usually start thinking about all the places I'm going to go when I get the chance to don the lycra and get in some miles.
Far away places I've never been and that remain unexplored.
Of course that never happens.
I just ride my usual ride, get in my miles and huff and puff back home.
At least it feels like I went somewhere.
Okay, I take the occasional epic journey.
A bit more occasional than I'd like, but I live on an island and eventually, if you start going someplace, you end up back where you started.
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to cross the Moloka'i channel with one of those paddle boat things. You know, the ones that you sit on, pedal like a bike.
No, not the ones with the three big wheels:

Though if it came with available options, I might be tempted.
I'm talking about the one with the two pontoons and the propeller:

Boy, my range would be unlimited. I mean the channel is only like 32 miles wide so and on a calm day I bet it would only take like ten or twelve hours.
Hey Mr. Flat Tire! Where you off to today?
Moloka'i my friend! If I'm not back by Sunday, call the Coast Guard!
Talk about an epic journey!
Hell if I attempted that, I'd even go so far as to open up a Twitter account.
Okay, not really.
The Twitter part, I mean.
Hopefully I can get in a short ride tomorrow after I go to the heart dude and do the dreaded treadmill thingy.
The treadmill isn't so bad, it's the radioactive tracer they shoot into you and the x-rays they take of you huffing and puffing.
Actually the bad thing is that now that I'm in fairly good shape, it takes a while to get ole heart rate where they want it.
So anyways, the crack in the Unidentified Flying Teapot came back in the bisque fire:

There are a couple of things I can still do to try and salvage that thing and they better work cause I'm glazing that puppy up tomorrow.
Hopefully after a bike ride.
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