The teapot goes in the kiln for the bisque fire.
I spent a half hour or so, cleaning up some places that needed touching up.
There was a crack on the bottom where the handle attaches, but it seemed to repair okay. I smoothed out some areas and made sure it was ready to go.
Except I was disliking the lid I made for it:

Sometimes you make things with good intentions, but for whatever reason, it just doesn't want to work. In this case, I sort of saw it happening as soon as I started to add the straps and rivets that the original wasn't working out too well.
For one thing, the lid is just too clean compared with the rest of the pot. No rivets, no folds or seams.
I was all set on throwing a new lid. JRA of One Speed: Go! fame suggested a funnel, like the Tinman.
I played around with that idea, thinking I would make the funnel upside down, spout pointed up and have it sit on top. I liked the idea of the converging angles on top.
Then I thought I would put the funnel right side up, the spout going into the top of the teapot.
Well, that wouldn't be much of a lid now would it.
Then I tried to imagine an ovoid diamond shaped thingy on top, with a flat surface I could do some foo-foo to.
Wouldn't you know it, sometimes the answer is right in front of you.
Sort of.
I took the original lid, and did some alterations.
I used a rasp and put some facets on the top:

Made the lid look like a bolt head.
I thought that this matched the industrial theme of the whole thing.
I was also going to do a washer looking thingy for the lid to sit on, but decided that was getting carried away.
Besides, it's not really a bolt, just sort of a hex shaped cap:

The other thing I was thinking of was putting some kind of SAE markings on top, like the marks for bolt strength, but those are on the surface and it was too late to really add anything.
I still think something is wrong with it, maybe the height or something. I tried to imagine it shorter, but that wasn't working either.
I'll just have to live with it and think of a solution for the next one I make.
Okay, the Industrial Teapot with Modified Lid is in the kiln and firing.
Hope it makes it.

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