I think.
Well, it has to be for it has already started.
"It" is the signage and roadside waving that appears before election time.
See, it's the Governor's last term so the Mayor resigned so he could run for Governor, some city council folks resigned so they could run for Mayor, a Senator resigned so he could run for Governor, and some other folks decided to resign whatever they were doing so they could run for the Senate.
Or something like that.
I'm not sure, but I think we got like a special election coming up to fill all the vacant positions and the folks running for these public offices take to the street corners and make sure all their constituents know who they are and that they care so much that they'll stand by the side of the road, early in the morning to wave at passing cars:

I give this dude some credit, it was raining about a half hour earlier. Or maybe he was there to stake out the best spot.
Kapu, we call it.
I kapu that corner!
This guy is good.
He moves around and faces oncoming traffic in different directions. His sign is also larger:

This lady must really believe in her candidate. Her sign looks a bit more professionally done:

There are signs of support up everywhere.
Fences, garages, trees, houses, lawns; just about everywhere.
Except public land.
Of course not all of them stand by the road and wave signs. Some are content to just have their sign out by the street:

I'm not sure what that sign says about his supporters.
So anyways, I'm catching up on some reading.
I haven't read anything this summer except books about cactus, so I figured it was time to expand my mind.
Or something.

I'm not a real Hemingway fan, I gravitate more towards Fitzgerald. They are both similar in that their short stories interest me more than their novels.
I saw this in the school library and thought I'd give it a try for I've never read any other novel of his but The Old Man and the Sea.
Gotta set an example, don't you know.
So far, the bell is tolling pretty good even if it's written in a strange style. The dialog is sort of archaic.
I guess that can be expected of a something written almost eighty years ago.
I'll let you know how it goes.
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