Police here testified against it, saying there were already similar laws and that it would be too difficult to enforce.
Recently there have been a couple of cycling related deaths, so I suppose it is the city councils response in regards to bicycling safety.
The city has also revamped their bicycle lane project. Your comments are welcome here.
It seems that at the very least, cyclists are on the minds of people in government.
While most of my miles have been accumulated close to home, I have ridden in town and on the east side. I have never had a serious problem with a motorist while riding my bike. Sure, I have been buzzed and yelled at, but mostly, I have felt safe and confident riding our streets. While driving my car, well, that's another story.
To use the theme of "Two Degrees of Separation" and taking it for another ride (see Sept. 12), here quite often, people are literally related someway or somehow.
That fact seems to keep a lid on escalating road violence. The chances are almost one hundred percent that you and a complete stranger can find a common acquaintance. Or family member.
Hawaii is a small place and everybody knows somebody.
What scares me the most is my own stupidity. Or lack of cycling skills. Or a combination of both. Now that is a cocktail for disaster.
I often imagine myself running over something on the side of the road, such as a palm frond or baby coconut (don't laugh, not uncommon), and falling into traffic.
The car in back of me would swerve to avoid me and hit the car in the on-coming lane while the car behind him, not seeing me, runs me over.
Well, after thinking about all the possible scenarios my stupidity could cause, I went and got one of these:

You can check out the folks at RoadID here. What you get is nice piece of polished stainless with any important information you wish to laser etch upon it. It attaches to various places on your body. If you like, you can even subscribe to a service that allows emergency personnel to call a toll free number that relays your vital information.
The way I look at it, in case of the above scenario, at least they'll know where to drop off the body.
Then again, I have a cousin that works Fire and Rescue, and hopefully he's told all his co-workers (see 2TOS above) to look out for that crazy guy riding around Kailua with the blueberry muffins strapped to his bike.
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