Problem is, I broke off another landing gear!
Well, like the other side, I'm going to try and glaze both the gear on; it's in the kiln right now.
Took me all of four and half hours to glaze that puppy up.
I sure hope it makes it through the firing.
If not, I'll try and make another one tomorrow.
Shouldn't take me more than a day, now that I know what the hell I'm doing.
Sort of.
Well, I haven't been on the bike, any bike, for a couple of weeks now. Lemme tell you, it's been hard.
Today I was tempted to take a short ride, but the cough still lingers so I thought I'd take one more day of rest.
What I did do was clean out my car.
In it, was a bike rack thingy Evil Hoku gave me a while back:

It's on of those insulated cooler thingys that straps on to your rack. Good for picking up stuff like six packs, or taking things to the beach like oh, maybe a turkey sandwich and a pickle:

Once I ever get back on the road that is.
It flips open from the top and looks like it has enough room to fit a six pack of long necks.
In my case, maybe just some cream soda:

Maybe some cheese rolls or some blueberry muffins too.
Hopefully I'll get to try it out tomorrow.
The way things are going, it looks like I won't even get in as many miles as I did last year as I'm about five hundred miles behind schedule. The Honolulu Century Ride is two week from now too so I need to get back out on the road soon.
If anything, maybe I can just get in ten miles or so now that my nose has stopped leaking green stuff.
Then again, maybe I should just cool it for another couple of days and just get better.
This is not good.
I'm losing my tan.
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