Some of those feelings were due to the fact that it's been a long time since I've done this and they were also based upon some of the stuff I saw being dropped off yesterday.
I haven't been into the local art scene and I have no clue as to what's going on.
So anyways, I get to Mark's Garage and show my receipt thingy and guy says, oh I remember you, one of your pieces got in.
Well, good news!
If one piece got in, it must be the Industrial Teapot(40w Tea) and maybe they didn't like other two, maybe they were too whimsical.
It goes like that sometimes.
So I get my boxes from the car and go back so I can sign for my stuff.
After checking the list, it seems all three got selected.
Cool. Now we get to see this from creation to exhibition.
I wanted to take some pictures of all the stuff laid out for pick up, but the batteries in the camera died. I'll tell you though, there was some nice stuff there.
I guess I'll have to wait until the show opens in two weeks.
Now if you've been following along at home, you know I've had these coffee mugs on my mind.
That and some other stuff.
More on that later.
Today, I got this in the mail:

The more I looked at the mug I made, the more I got to disliking the single speed gear.
Just didn't seem to match. I mean I got the twelve tooth gear, the chain and a another rear gear?
So now I play around with ways to integrating the big ring onto the mugs. I think they'll look better.
I also started looking at this mug:

I like how it's a bit taller and slightly vee shaped.
We'll see how that goes.
About that other stuff on my mind, well the Honolulu Century Ride is this Sunday. The original plan was to do fifty or maybe even seventy five miles, but all that changed when I got sick.
Oh, poor Mr. Flat Tire! Got all sicky poo!
Okay, okay, I'm a major wussy.
I may try some distance, depending on how I feel when I get back on the bike.
Mostly I'm just doing it for the shirt.
Okay not really.
Part of it is that I just wanted to catch the image of around three thousand folks on bikes taking off from Kapiolani Park at six fifteen in the morning.
Oh, and of course I get to check out the bikes.
Don't forget there's also the Hill of Desperate Prayers. I'm hoping that during this month I took off, my legs grew some extra whatever my legs need to power me up that sucker.
As long as I don't have to get out and push.
Or have the SAG wagon pick me up.
All three got selected! Sweet! On to victory!
In other related topics, that inverted V shape is exactly the one I was talking about as being useless for coffee. It's an example of a cup form that has geometric appeal but nothing else going for it--not volume, not convenience, not flavor or smell enhancement, nothing.
I was sort of surprised by the trifecta also. Post selection post coming up.
So, that mug is the useless one?
Okay, sort have to look at things again.
Part of it is, in order to get a substantial part of the big ring on the side, I need some space.
I think what I'll do is make a paper template of the big ring and try it out on mugs I already made.
May have to find me a 39 or 34.
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