Not that the other posts are about something cause their usually about nothing too, but this post in particular is really about nothing.
In particular I mean.
Yesterday was pretty cool even though nothing happened.
Today was cool too, even though nothing happened.
Yesterday though, driving to work, an omen:

That's a pretty darn nice way to start the day!
Then coming home in the evening, well, who you gonna call?

I did a whopping double take!
Full mock up of the Ghostbusters ambulance!
Okay, the pic is not so good for we were driving down the highway so you, the reader, are gonna have to trust me on this, but it looked pretty good.
It didn't have all the doodads of the original but is was close:

No blue lights for blue lights are illegal here.
I wonder where he was off to?
So anyways, today was really nice, but green stuff is still coming out of my nose so I thought I better not try and ride.
I'm getting sort of worried for the Honolulu Century Ride is only like three weeks away and I haven't been on the bike for like two weeks. Hopefully tomorrow I'm feeling a little better and I'll be able to get at least a couple of miles in.
I also start on some new teapots tomorrow. I've been working on some designs so when I start them off at least I'll have some sort of idea of where I'm going.
I sort of had an idea when I did those other teapots, but now I'll be working off some sketches.
This is why I'm not a photo major:

I was trying to get this image to fit in a banner space and just couldn't do it. I fooled around with different camera positions, etc. for like an hour and just could not figure it out.
I made those little things way back in another life out of porcelain just for fun.
Sometimes you learn something by making not only big things, but little ones. The small teapots were a hit with the ladies in the studio and I made a bunch of them.
I've also been thinking about doing to bicycle themed stuff, I'll try out some ideas later.
Animals have also been on my mind, like the one in my avatar. Only right now, I'm sort of stuck on giraffes:

Why giraffes?
Well, Dali liked to put flaming giraffes in some of his works and that always intrigued me. So I'm trying to work out some sort of giraffe tribute to him.
Maybe next I'll do donkeys and Chagall.
Okay, well there was something.
Sort of.
Tomorrow, hopefully I'll really have something about something.
In particular, I mean.
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