The show is Hawaii Craftsmen's State Wide Exhibit, so folks from all the islands are doing the same thing.
Well, not all at once.
This is kind of neat for the juror, for he gets to fly to all the islands and do his thing. The selected works are then crated up and shipped to Oahu for the show, which is in the second week of October.
This is sort of strange timing.
The drop off for Oahu was at a place called the Art's at Marks Garage, which is a space in the bottom floor of a parking garage downtown:

Downtown Honolulu, Chinatown in particular has undergone a resurgence in recent years. Small galleries and eateries have taken up space and sort of given the area a new life.
Formerly, it was pretty bad.
Not the kind of place you'd like to walk around at night, if you know what I mean.
Every first Friday of the month, they hold an event called well, First Fridays, where all the galleries and restaurants welcome folks to take a look see at what's happening.
I've been to a couple of them, mostly because folks hold their art show openings to coincide with the Friday, and it's pretty cool.
Anyways, Mark's also holds small stage productions, slam poetry readings, smaller art shows and today, it looked like the end of some kind of photo exhibit:

At the last minute, I broke out the Dremel and adjusted the lid on the UFT II, which is now called Flying Object No.3 (Ganymede Tea) and dropped it off along with the other doodads.
The three entries cost me seventy five bucks, which is like twenty five bucks each which is not that bad.
Sort of.
I was hoping to see some of the other stuff being dropped off, but it seemed like I was one of the first folks there so there were only a few things and they were storing them behind a magic curtain.
A couple of things I did see were really cool and there was one ceramic work that I wished I had made.
I have to admit, after seeing what little work was there, I briefly experienced a feeling of apprehension and doubt.
Despite my ramblings of how entering a show is not really a big thing, it has been sort of a long time since I've done this, and I guess it's hard to completely rid yourself of all the self doubt.
I began to compare what I had seen against my own work and ponder my decision to enter.
This lasted around two minutes because after all, what's done is done, and at the very least, I've made a nice contribution towards Hawaii Craftsmen and what they do.
Which brings me to what they do.
Hawaii Craftsmen organises not only this show and the Raku Ho'olaulea(my pics from this year here), but also workshops held during the year for arts and crafts (I dislike using those two words together) folks that work out of the mainstream media.
Read that as not painters.
The show in fact, is not open to any type of two dimensional work except printmaking.
The Hawaii Craftsmen show helps to balance out the other two major shows here where the majority of entries consists of painting and drawing.
This is a good show for artists and craftsmen who work in wood, metal, ceramics, fibre and other stuff to show off their creations.
Okay, the early drop off is strange, for usually if your work is accepted, you leave it there until the end of the show.
Because the show is two weeks away, I'm going to have to pick up my stuff tomorrow and if anything was picked, drop it off later when they get the show place set up.
So, we'll see tomorrow if any of my work grabbed the juror's attention, or if it was all sort of "meh."
One thing is good: I won't mind being overlooked based upon some of the stuff I saw this morning.
I mean you don't know how close you are to the edge until you can compare yourself to the true avant garde, the folks really pushing their art.
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