Unfortunately, there's also another hill and my worst fears became a reality:

I got passed by another folder!
Check this dude out! showing off and passing people going up the hill:

I was following the girl he's passing for about a half mile coming out of the rest stop. She was pushing the largest gears possible: big ring, small gear. I took notice for she was pedaling so slow, and thought she'd shift coming up the hill.
Nope. Mashed all the way up.
Talk about pain and suffering!
The ride turns towards the mountains and goes into Waimanalo. I think they do that to add some mileage for I usually just go straight towards home.
There's another rest stop at the district park were they were selling some water and Hawaiian energy bars, also known as spam musubi:

Think a rice ball with a slab of Spam on top.
Sorry for the image but I forgot to take a picture until after I started to wolf it down.
The spam musubi, I mean.
It's not an official rest stop, it used to be but I heard they did away with it due to budget and all that. Some locals who are raising funds for a youth baseball team saw an opportunity and ran with it.
Along the back roads of Waimanalo, the weather seems to have changed:

Flat Tire Central is just:

Over another freakin hill!
I looked behind me to check for any folding bikes.
Thankfully, there were none.
They must have been all in front of me.
Cows cruising under a tree:

Finally home.
Sort of:

The Kailua rest stop is twenty five miles out though it came out bit longer on my speedo. I came in at 9:15, about two hours and forty five minutes from the start.
I considered going further, but the weather made up my mind.
I also did the fifty two years ago so there wasn't much incentive to do it again.
Instead I took off my number and went to check out the beach.
Sort of deserted, but there was the usual jumpy thingy:

A couple of water walkers:

Nothing much going on so I headed on home.
The Honolulu Century Ride is a really nice well supported ride. Of course you don't need the support to ride the route but it's nice to be with all other riders.
Sharing the pain, don't you know.
Hopefully next year I'll feel better and try for a longer distance.
Or at least make it past my house.
When I get passed by a folder like that, it makes me want to whip out an A-bike, which is a folder with super-tiny wheels, and pass 'em right back! Looks like a great ride.
I don't mind getting dropped, let me tell you, but a folding bike?
Oh, the humiliation!
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