I was sort of concentrating on what I was doing, but I did hear some sirens and a helicopter.
So I venture out of my gara-, um studio, and take a look around.
So I go back to work.
I was thinking last night the the problem with the wheels was that they were too big.
It's about scale, don't you know:

See this time, I wanted to give the wheels some fenders. It's just that the fenders made the wheels even bigger.
I spent a long time making them wheels so when they didn't work out, I was pretty sad:

So I made me some smaller wheels with different fenders. Fenders that would sort of go with the design.
The first set was a bit too ostentatious.
The new wheels were more subdued:

I mocked them up and liked what I saw.
Sort of.
So anyways, the new wheels made me happy:

That's pretty much how I looked this morning as my cold still lingers.
Part of the problem with setting the wheels are that the clay shrinks as it dries. When doing the landing gear, I have to make sure they are attached securely:

So anyways, I finished up and set out for dialysis.
I go up the hill and round the corner and:

The freakin hills are on fire!
I didn't smell smoke or anything!

Boy, there are some dudes who had to work on Labor Day!
Apparently, the fire had been raging for a couple of hours and had attacked the dry brush on the hill:

Anyways, I had to go and I don't think any homes were damaged.
When I came home in the evening though, I could still see a couple of hot spots burning up there.
My brother called me to ask if I needed help shooting some water but The Flat Tire Central was never in danger.
Next time, I'll be sure to do more than just look up and down the street.
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