That's right!
Okay, not really.
Well, sort of.
If you've been following along at home, you know that the landing gear of the UFT III has been giving me a major headache. I broke two of them off and decided to try and refire the whole thing in hopes that I could reglaze the gear on.
Well, I did that and it didn't quite come out the way I wanted so I refired it again; that's the rolling the dice part.
I didn't fall apart, but it did sort of come apart.
Before and after shots:

The gap seems to have opened up a little. Well not seemed, it did open up a little more.
Much more noticeable now.
The UFT III is back in The Flat Tire Skunkworks hanger awaiting further repairs. One more shot before it joins the UFT I in the great UFT boneyard in the sky.
I mean shelf.
Last chance Texaco roadside fix is to get some epoxy and try to fill the gap. Maybe it becomes less conspicuous.
If I do try and enter this in the show on Sunday, I guess I list it as NFS, not for sale, for this definitely does not pass quality control standards.
I say if for I don't really want to enter it, but it costs like sixty five bucks and you get to enter two pieces so I might as well try.
I really like this pot so I'll probably make another one.
One day.
Speaking of second attempts, I set up another little planter with the opuntia cactus seeds.
I didn't use all the seeds from the first batch, so I threw out the dead ones and put the rest of the seeds in there.
I hope this time I get some results.
My other cactus seeds should be in this week so I can start up a new batch of, well, batchlings.
Or something.
Oh, and did I tell you?
I got me some agave this time!
Or does agave take like forever to grow?
I better check and see.
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