Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Early Edition

My whole life is in boxes.
A lot of boxes.
More boxes than I thought.
Well okay, they're small boxes, but still a lot of boxes.
More on that later.
Friday, I took my three classes to the beach.
We are currently working on a couple of projects, water and landscape so I thought I'd help them out let  them kill two projects in one place.
We are in the third quarter of school and lemme tell you, we've shot just about every foot there is to shoot on campus.
So, off we went!
First period starts at like 8:15 so we were touching sand by 8:45.
We walked by the way, as Ala Moana Beach Park is only about a mile or so away:

It was pretty deserted.
Maybe is was because of all that snow on the ground.
If you squint yer eyeballs, you can still see the tracks left from the sand cleaner thingys that sweep the beach parks.

There's a couple there, enjoying the weather.
Must be them Polar Bear folks, you know, with all the ice in water.
Some newlyweds, braving the cold:

I guess we weren't the only ones out taking pictures!
I took the last class over on the other side of beach, near Kewalo Basin, the place where all the tour boats park.
The tide was low so they could climb down on the rocks and get some close up shots:

It was beautiful day, besides the snow and all, but we had to get back to school.
We made it back just as the final bell rang:

I hope no one got frost bite or caught a cold.
Hopefully they all got some interesting images.
I'll post them up on the school blog once we do our critiques.
I get to make nasty comments and make some of them cry.
Okay, not really.
About the nasty comments part I mean.

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