Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Oh wait.
I'm a little late.
I spent the last couple of days couching it and watching TV and trying to get some rest.
I'm almost over that cold I had which is a good thing as school starts up tomorrow and I want to show up all bright eyeballed and busy tailed.
If you know what I mean.
I was going to do a whole year in review thingy but lemme tell you this year has passed by so fast I don't remember half of it!
Literally, once I got hired this summer at my new job, it's been just a blur, a good blur, but still a blur.
Which is not good since I teach photography.
Get it? blur? photography? not good?
A new Flat Tire Command Center has been located and signed for, though when exactly the FTCC will go mobile is unknown.
Tell you the truth, I'm sort of looking forward to it, but not really as I got a couple of truck loads of crap to move around and I'm not looking forwards to that.
Let's just say that the Flat Tire Garage will no longer exist.
There are some other things on the table here that I gotta go and see about but as usual there will be more on that later.
Besides the FTCC move, I got another five months or so of class time to fill and I have no idea what I'm going to be doing.
Which is not a good thing.
I got some help though:

The kids are now supposed to know how to work a camera.
I guess I should test them a bit and give them some projects that make them use them new skilz.
I sort of warned them last year that some new and challenging projects were on the way, but the problem is that not all of them actually own a camera.
There's also only so much you can do taking pictures around the school campus so I'll have to get a little creative.
Or something.
We also have the state wide Scholastics show coming up and our school entries will have to be in by the middle of this month.
More on that later too.
So anyways, where ever you are and what ever you are doing I hope this year is better than the last.
I have a feeling it's going to be a good one.
New year I mean.

1 comment:

TrevorW�� said...
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