Okay, not really.
About the watching part.
More like the mentioning part.
I mean I'm getting these crazy hits from a Law & Order post I did back in May of last year.
Last year!
I thought the olive oil chain thing was crazy!
Actually, it's kinda nice to know there are other Law & Order obsessors out there, you know, I'm not alone.
In fact, if you have taken a look see at my linkys on the bottom of the page, you'll notice a blog devoted to all things Law & Order.
That's what the blog is called I mean.
All Things Law & Order.
Actually, the folks over there are way more into Law & Order than I am.
Even if I have seen every episode of Law & Order, Law & Order CI, and Law & Order SVU like five times.
It's not really Law & Order that's getting the hits, it's more like someone on Law & Order that the search engines are picking up.
Although I enjoy the hits, I won't name that person.
Besides, that's not what this post is all about.
I sort of forget what it was going to be all about.
Oh yeah, devising something devilishly evil to remove that stubborn stem on the Bike With The Funny Name.
Something involving a vise and some two by fours.
Maybe even some locking pliers.
Oh my!
I'm getting a warm fuzzy!
Okay, not really.
About the locking pliers.
It will probably involve The Flat Tire Bottom Bracket tool, which recently did double duty as The Flat Tire Brake Piston tool when I changed out the front pads on my car:

Okay, that's not really my car, but a rod I saw parked across the street from the burrito joint on Sunday.
I have to admit, that burrito has been on my mind lately. Going back to sample the goods may be in my near future.
I also got this:

That's right sports fans!
Bianchi refrigerator door magnet!
Just in case you, the reader, thought I had forgotten about the Celeste Devil!
Speaking of the Celeste Devil, something wonderful is about to happen.
The last piece of the puzzle.
The thing we have all been waiting for.
Well, at least I've been waiting for.
For what seems like forever.
I mean it's been so long I almost forgot about it.
I honestly can't believe I've exercised this much patience!
Some kind o'personal record here.
What is it Mr. Flat Tire?
Something wonderful.
Right out of Dave Bowman's mouth.
On to your computer screen.
I promise.
I feel so inspired, I'll have to go fix the flat ITALIAN tire on my own road bike - this weekend.
Don't put off for the weekend what you can do today.
I just made that up.
Sort of.
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