Or against you.
Well today, the odds caught me.

That's what I pulled out of my tire.
It's okay, cause it seemed like I went for a long period without flatting.
I'll add it to my collection of things that made me name this blog:

Of course there were other things. Mostly I toss them away for I'm usually not in a saving mood when I flat.
I try to remember to keep the special ones.
Anyways, I got a couple of new bike tools:

On the top is a chain wear checker. I decided to get one after thinking about how fast my old cassette wore out. I think my old chain had stretched facilitating the wear of the cassette. We shall see.
The other thingy is something I found while looking for something else. I forgot what I was looking for and bought that instead.
It's something called a Torqkey. It preset at five Newton/meters, perfect for tightening down those carbon fibre accessories.
Not that I have any carbon fibre accessories don't you know, I just like to be prepared.
Hey wait a minute, what's all that stuff got to do with the title of this post?
Well if you really must know.
If you've been following along at home, you know I enjoy my fruit cocktail. Well, my routine is to empty the big can of that magic concoction into a plastic container and toss it in the fridge so I can sort of eat it at will, if you will:

I can usually consume the whole can in three days or so, but sometimes I sort of forget it is there so it sits for a while.
While we're on the subject, just to let you know, the regular fruit cocktail is good stuff, but the good stuff is the Very Cherry:

So anyways, tonight during the commercials, I hit the fridge for a hit of FC and take down a large spoonful.
Then I notice that it doesn't look right. So I think, how long has this particular batch been sitting there?
I don't remember.
That's not good.
I look at the FC again.
I look real good. Closer.
ARG(alien refrigerator growth)!
So I'm thinking to myself, it can't be that bad, I mean I only chucked back a spoonful.
Hopefully it was like penicillin.
Or something.
Well, I just thought I'd remind you, the reader, not to ingest stuff that's been in the fridge for too long.
Just in case though, if you find me repeating myself, using the same stupid phrases all the time, or obsessing over objects that seem useful but are actually useless, let me know.
Just in case though, if you find me repeating myself, using the same stupid phrases all the time, or obsessing over objects that seem useful but are actually useless, let me know.
The ARG might be eating at my brain.
Or I might be eating too much fruit cocktail.