Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That's Entertainment!

If you've ever seen that movie, well, I hope you were entertained.
I saw it way back in another life and I suppose my attention was held long enough for me to remember the title of that film.
Other than that, I don't remember much but that's not what this is all about.
Every day, I come home and the first thing I do is check the blogs.
Okay, not really.
I feed the dog, empty my pockets, get a cup of ice water, turn on Law & Order, then I check out what's happening in Bloggerland.
It's sort of become part of the routine.
Checking out Bloggerland, I mean.
So anyways, I was reading all the blogs I follow and although I follow some thirty blogs, not everyone posts up everyday so it's not like I sit here all day and read them.
I usually get through them in about twenty minutes or so.
That sounds like a lot of time, but I gotta keep up with bicycle nation don't you know.
So what's it all about Alfie?
I started to ask myself that same question even though my name isn't Alfie.
Why, why, why, why do I spend this time reading what others have posted up and why, why, why why, do I spend time writing my own blog in hopes that others read what I post?
It's entertainment.
Escapism at it's finest.
Fantasy land.
Okay, maybe not fantasy land for this stuff is real.
Along with reading the newspaper everyday, my daily dose of Bloggerland keeps me in tune and in touch with the world.
I get a brief glimpse into what other people are thinking, feeling, doing; all at the touch of a mouse.
Even if sometimes the blogger content is sophomoric, it beats listening to adolescents all day long go on about whatever it is they go on about.
I sort of think of blogs as magazines that get updated everyday.
I mean if you are interested in a certain topic like say, crafting(!), most likely(for sure) there is a blog about it.
So everyday, I get a new bicycle magazine, along with assorted other interesting stuff, to read everyday.
Now that's entertainment!
Which is what I hope I'm doing too.
Making entertainment, I mean.
Though I'm not sure what kind of magazine I'd call The Flat Tire seeing as how it's all about what I see and do every day.
Hell, I'm the one doing it and sometimes I don't see anything interesting about it.
I'm not even sure this post is entertaining.
Tomorrow's post will be.
Entertaining, I mean.
Just wait and see.

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