Friday, October 8, 2010

Giddy with Anticipation

Sort of.
Tonight's the opening reception of the Hawaii Craftsmen Exhibit so I'm going to Jiffy Blood a little early.
I can't wait to see the other stuff that got selected.
I already know what my stuff looks like.
Still, I can't help feeling a bit of anticipation and apprehension, as I haven't done one of these in a while.
Not that it's a big thing.
Well, it's not a little thing either.
The show, I mean.
The camera batteries are charging up so I'm ready to get all paparazzi ninja take some good pics.
Well actually, I'll have the whole gallery to myself for three days, as part of the deal is I have to sit(watch the gallery) the show or pay a fee.
I'll get better shots then.
Sitting the show sort of nice for you can't always get a good impression of stuff with crowds of folks milling around it.
The art and the gallery have a different feel when it's empty and you are alone. You get to scrutinize and stare, sort of absorb what the art is trying to say or not say. Things will start to talk to me.
Okay, not really.
About hearing things, I mean.
Often, things I didn't like at first sight, suddenly became great when I had some time alone with them.
Which is why I sort of have an aversion to these reception thingys.
Too many people!
The great thing about this reception is that no one knows me.
I get to sort of lurk around, stake out my pieces and eavesdrop on what people are saying.
Kinda sneaky, but a great way to get real feedback.
It's also a time to check out what other people are up to. I've gotten some great inspiration from seeing works in other mediums. Especially the folks that work in glass.
I'm also interested in seeing any woodworking, for I dabble in that bit too.
The giddiness factor must have been running high, for when I fired the kiln last night, I forgot to completely close the lid so the mugs were only half baked.
I can imagine the orange glow in my gara-, uh, studio as that puppy hit temperature.
I just knew I should have checked on it last night, but I was lazy.
Before I hit the blood place, I'm hitting the ceramic place to look at some new glazes. While them neon colors are great, I'm sort of thinking I need to look at something different.
I also want to do another UFT tomorrow, so I'll be thinking of that too. This new one is going to be cool.
If I can do it.
Okay, reception pics later tonight!
I can hardly wait!
Sort of.
Time to take a bath and wash my hair.

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