Sunday, October 17, 2010


Great band!
They had a couple of hits way back when, I am particularly fond of this:

Not what this is about though.
I got some new glazes to try out last week since I was sort of getting tired of the ones I was using.
Well, I'll never get tired of red!
One glaze I got for my next UFT project, the other was for the cycling mugs.
With these mugs, the important thing for me is that the glazes at least sort of look like they are even and that the streaking is kept to a minimum.
So much for that.
I also did one in the evil dark blue:

I'm really starting to dislike that dark blue glaze. I mean it looks nice and all, and I really like blue, but it never seems to come out on the first shot.
Or the second.
Or the third.
Maybe I'm just expecting too much.
The phurffle glaze ain't so hot either:

The greenish glaze gave me about the same results:

Both of them mugs have been fired twice now mind you.
I don't know if I should just live with it or what.
I mean compared to the two, the blue mug looks great!

Boy, this is one of those of times when opening the kiln is not like Christmas, but more like opening Pandora's Box.
It's sort of driving me crazy!
With these glazes, I think five coats are needed to be safe. It takes more time, but it's better to do it in the beginning than to try and fix it later. The gears and chain only add to the difficulty, let me tell you.
It's that or I just don't use them. I think they look nice so I'll give them one more try.
Hey! sort of like going one step beyond!
I really really don't want to fire them a third time, but I suppose I will.
Quality control, don't you know.
Anyways, off I go on a much needed ride.
Clear the madness from my mind.

I'd like to give some ginormous thanks to Mr. JRA of One Speed: Go! fame and Mr. Rat Trap of the Rat Trap Press for taking the time out to try these mugs out. Their suggestions and comments have been a great help and influence.


Rat Trap Press said...

The mugs are looking good! I like the soft colors.

limom said...

Now if I could only get them to come out with any kind of consistency, I'd be very happy.