Friday, May 25, 2012

Thank You!

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You know who you are.
The first school to approve our use permit!
Today, another volunteer and I rode around Kailua to check out some of the places we are looking into using.
Part of Hele On Kailua don't you know.
Well anyways, we stopped by one of the schools to check on the permit and hooray! it was approved.
That's one part of the event I won't have to worry about.
We actually have permission to ride on Marine Corp Base Hawaii, and that school is going to be a rally point were waivers and stuff are to be signed before actually riding on base.
That's a load off my mind.
One more school to go.
It was good to ride around with someone else to check out the various places we are thinking of using.  I've been doing most of the route planning and I was feeling like another opinion was needed.
So far, I'm the only volunteer that actually lives in Flat Tire Land, so naturally I was elected.
Well, the volunteer I was riding with is coordinating the activities and I figured it was important he at least look a the sites so that he can get a feel for what kind of activity will fit.
A nice little fifteen mile tool around Kailua/Flat Tire Land.
Okay, now I'm excited.
Sort of.
I mean that's was just one small piece of a bigger puzzle, and it'll take a whole bunch of puzzle pieces to fit together to make this thing happen.
Today, I also decided to ride the Celeste Devil:

Here I was, waiting under a tree for the other dude to show up.
Anyways, I figure I've been riding the Deda for a while and it was time to change things up again.
No difference.
Not that I could really tell.
Okay, the Deda feels lighter, but as far as ride quality it felt pretty much the same.
The steel of the Celeste Devil soaks up bumps and vibrations same as the carbon frame though I think the Deda handles a bit better.
One thing I am thinking about is pulling the quill stem off and using one of them adapters so I can run a newer type handle bar, one with a flatter transition to the hoods.
Then again riding around today, I wasn't uncomfortable, but I have noticed that on my regular rides, over twenty miles, I do get fatigued.
I don't know.
I sure would dislike breaking up the classic look.
Anyways, off I go to meet with the big bad national chain store to see how they want to be involved with our event.
Time to some Jedi Skilz.
Hopefully I'll be saying more thank yous.
If you know what I mean.

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