Don't want to get em too damp!
The recruits are doing well, so far.
Starting to look like actual mini cactus plants:

It's been a couple of weeks since I transplanted them so if any of them were going to wash out of boot camp, they would've already checked out:

The carnegiea gigantea or Saguaro, is starting to look a little bunched up, so I may transplant them next. I think I'll put them like three to a pot, a bigger pot, since they won't grow very much in the next like ten years or so.
What you see is pretty much what I got:

I've read up some on the opuntia, and it seems I should have clipped the seed pods, or some have suggested freezing them to simulate a winter season.
The ones that did start are moving right along:

I think I'm going to wait a couple of months before trying the seeds again, maybe it's a seasonal thing.
I'm assembling the parts for my still, since the agave seem to be taking off as well:

Okay, not really.
About the still I mean.
Don't turn me in to no G-Men.
I actually have no idea what kind of agave those are anyways, and I'll have to look up which are the tequila specific species so I can take a shot at planting those.
The agave aren't pokey like the cactus but that's about as close to a shot of tequila I'll get to, at least in this life.
I was hoping the transplanted neobuxbaumia would take off so I could transplant them again and sell them in the craft fair coming up, but that's not going to happen.
I'll plan better next year and start recruiting around the beginning of summer.
In a way it's okay it didn't happen cause I didn't have the time to make more planters anyway.
Speaking of pots, I bisqued the last load and now all that's left is the glazing:

I better get to it!
That's at least three loads counting the refires.
I'm telling you, apprehension is beginning to raise its ugly head as I'm wondering what the hell I'm going to do with all these pots if I don't sell them.
More on that later.
The Craft Fair Extravaganza(CFE) is three days away and counting.