Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Write On!

If you think you got what it takes.
To write I mean.
This comes to me via the Hawaii Book Blog.
Apparently there's this thing called NANOWRIMO.
It stands for National Novel Writing Month, or something like that. It seems the idea is get a whole novel, 50,000 words worth, down in like thirty days.
Let me break it down for you.
If you write in 10 point Courier New, double space, you get about 300 words per page.
Now to get 50,000 words, you need like 167 pages.
Okay, it actually comes out to like 166.666 pages, a repeating decimal, but we won't go there.
Okay, so now you got to do like 167 pages and you only have thirty days to do it.
That breaks down to 5.6 pages a day.
Let's call it six.
That's like 1800 words a day!
Aw shucks, Mr. Flat Tire, that's nothing.
Well let's take an average blog post.
Okay, not an average one, but let's take the one I did called Simpler Times(see below).
That's a sort of wordy one, only one embedded thingy and no images.
Cut and pasted on to a Word document, it tops off at 648 words.
Two pages.
That post was a monumental effort on my part and I'm not even close to 1800 words!
A novel in thirty days?
No way Jose!
I mean you gotta be on literary steroids or something like, like EPO or something.
Oh wait, I'm on EPO.
Not steroids though!
No performance enhanced words here, no sirree!
Sometimes though, I wish there were.
Performance enhanced words, I mean.
Knocking out that sort of quantity is pretty difficult, especially if quality is part of your agenda.
Then there's the whole novel thing.
I mean all that stuff has to be related!
I has to make sense!
Plot, characters and all that sort of thing!
Now I've done the novel thing, but it took me like months and I can't even count how many cold beverages(CB) and I can count pretty high.
Let's just say the CB count was way higher than the page count.
The more I think about it, the crazier it sounds.
I can't even imagine sitting down and pounding out like six pages of stuff per day.
That was almost an alliteration.
Now according to the website, there are like 172,000 folks who have already signed up for this thing. That in itself is pretty incredible.
Should have used incredible instead of unimaginable.
Oh well.
That's a whole bunch of folks writing.
Keyboards are smoking across the country.
Another one I should have used.
I mean to write that much every day, you gotta be sort of insatiable.
Okay, that one was a stretch but you know what I mean.
Chapeau to those that signed up and a large chapeau to those that finish.
Definitely beyond my level of skill or imagination.
This post by the way, topped out at 501 words.


Oldfool said...

Every time I get the mistaken idea that I could be a writer I then read a real writer and get put in my place. I can't imagine 50,000 words in thirty days. I feel lucky that people will put up with me to read a few hundred words. I feel compelled to write and tell stories. It has come late in life and I have no illusions about being the next big discovery. My writing plan is keep it short that way even if it's booring maybe someone will finish reading it.

limom said...

"Writer" is just another label.
You do, therefore you are.