Yesterday, I started off my ride around noon. I was waiting for the streets to dry off a bit since it had been raining all night.
There were still the lingering puddles here and there but things were looking good.
Except here:

After a hard rain, you can see the run off in the water.
As you can see, it didn't stop some of the touristy folks from enjoying themselves!
Actually, I would never go out in the water when it's sort of brown like that not only because it's sort of dirty looking but the run off creates conditions that attract the ocean's tax collectors.
See the run off contains nutrients and stuff that small fish like to eat. They also like to hide in the murkiness it creates.
Hide from what? you ask.
The men in the grey suits, the dudes with the toothy grins of course.
Sharks are known to patrol closer to shore after a hard rain.
So anyways, I come out of Lanikai and wouldn't you know it?

It rained for about five minutes or so, forcing me to take refuge in the park pavilion with twenty or so tourists who were not so happy with the rain but probably happy it wasn't snow.
After it stopped I got going again and pondered my next move.
Two miles away, in Aikahi, things weren't looking so good:

You can see the peninsula there through the trees, still getting soaked by the rain that passed us in the park.
Well, I don't like riding in the rain too much; my feet get all soaked and mushy and that's not any fun.
I also don't like drinking road water as it flies off the front tire.
I was on my way home when by chance a dude called me about a bike he had on CL.
He was just around the corner so I stopped off to check it out.
There were about five or six bikes there in various stages of need, but nothing I was really interested in.
Oh, there was a Bianchi mountain bike there I'm still sort of thinking about since I gave the Lanikai Express to My Friend Marc(MFM).
Which brings me to my search for the frame worthy of the New Poseur Bike Project(NPBP).
I spent the rest of the day scouring the internetswebsthingy looking for the frame of my dreams.
Which is beginning to seem like the impossible.
Finding the frame of my dreams I mean.
I've been looking at a lot of bikes.
At this point I've sort of resigned myself to sitting on my funds until something comes along.
Something special.
Just what that something special is, I have no clue, but I'm sure I'll know it when I see it.
I'll let The Flat Tire Black Project Fund(TFTBPF) grow until I can afford like a Colnago Master Light or something.
For now, I'll just bling out the Celeste Devil and try to reach some level of Poseur Status, what level, we'll just have to see.
Oh and the weather today?
Back to normal:

It's going to be great!
I hate it when my feet squish in my cycling shoes!
You must give the Celeste Devil his due. Then will the NPBP rise! Black and nasty!
Steve A., I don't mind the wetness too much but the shoes thing kill me!
Maybe I should carry some plastic bags or something.
JRA, the CD was whispering in my other ear.
I could not resist.
There is still some hope for the BAN.
Wow. Beautiful scenery! Interesting about the sharks. I don't blame you for avoiding them!
Well, you can't really avoid sharks.
I mean, the ocean is like their home, we just sort of visit it.
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