Fooled today was I.
Oh it started off all fine and dandy, the Celeste Devil and I just cruising along.
During the few and far bewteen rides I've been doing, I've been on a bigger gear, Rocking the Big Ring even, and my average cadence has fallen some.
This worried me, for I was quite happy with where I had built my cadence up to.
It wasn't that long ago when I was happily turning 90 rpms with naught a worry in the world.
Now, 80 is more the norm.
So today, I decided to try and see how much of my aerobicness I had lost.
Not too much it turns out as I was seeing 90-100 quite often and with deceptive ease.
This was the first ten miles of my ride.
The weather lied to me as when I got to park I saw this:

Kailua Bay looked like a freakin lake!
Flat, flat, flat.
This dude looked like a duck, you could see his wake:

If you, the reader, have been following along at home, you know there's this thing where the wind turns and blows from the south, called Kona winds.
Well today, it was like that, the wind was all bass akwards with some fairly strong cross winds.
Actually felt like a wind tunnel.
Of course with the wind, I felt like I could go on forever, no need to hit the nitrous as super sonic speeds were achieved with ease!
Going the other way was a different story.
Oh the pain!
The fire in the thighs!
I swear I was trailing smoke!
Please oh please let it rain some liquid nitrogen!
All that and I was only going like 12 mph!
It was like one of them horror movies where every time I looked up, the end seemed further and further away.
I found myself in some kind of lactic acid hell where the road and wind never ends.
Someone please tell me who's idea this was!
I was so cooked, I ate a Snickers ice cream at the 7-11.
Then I was supposed to meet up with some fellows for a little ride around Kailua.
As I stood straddling the Celeste Devil, surveying the lay of the parking lot, the wind gusted and this fell not ten feet from me:

Okay, it wasn't a really large branch, but it was big enough.
I thought about Steve A, and how he was looking forward to a helmet impact test with coconuts, well he almost got his wish.
Sort of.
I took the falling branch as a sign and decided to head back to Flat Tire Central.
Not before I saw this:

Oh yeah baby!
A new burrito place!
Time to renew my Quest for Burritos(QFB).
Full report will follow.
As soon as the wind dies down.
Or I get some new legs.
Or something.
You aren't supposed to test helmets with your head inside!
I forgot about that part.
I will take a celeste burrito with a side of cinelli salsa, por favor.
Coming right up!
If you squint yer eyeballs, you can see that the burrito place is right next to the LBS.
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