It was hot today.
Okay, not like the hot you folks on the Continent got, but pretty darn hot for around these parts.
Sort of how summer is supposed to be.
Anyways, I'm digging this new seat position.
According to the trusty Flat Tire Metric Measuring Tool, I'm like seven millimeters back from my original position, and thinking about going back a bit more.
Oh and I also dropped the seat down about a half centimeter to make up for the distance to the pedals.
What this does for me is, it forces my back into a flatter angle.
I also feel a bit more balanced on the seat, when descending my position feels better and not forced.
Seat wise, there is some discomfort, but not more than normal.
It's not torture or anything and it's something I feel I could get used to.
Spinning the pedals feels different, being that far back.
I am using some different muscles in my legs, I can feel a burn but it's different; strained if you will.
I did a lot of coasting for every time I checked, I was at the max of my spin, maybe that's where the fatigue came from.
I had to sort of remind myself to keep the pace down and steady; I kept accelerating.
I don't know why.
For the most part, the pressure is off my hands.
I can almost ride with my elbows on the bars, not for any great distance, but before the change, that position wasn't even in my repertoire.
I was simply too far forward.
After today, I'd say this position change is a good thing.
Am I ready to drop the bars down?
I think I'm going to go out, before going down.
Here's how the Ciocc looked before:

The seat was way forwards and I was using all the spacers on the stem.
Here's the Ciocc now:

I'm going to order another stem, one that's a centimeter longer.
Once that gets in, I'm taking out another spacer to compensate for the extra rise.
We'll see how that goes.
I find it really interesting how moving the seat back about a centimeter really makes a large difference on how everything else fits.
I mean you'd think it wouldn't make that much of a difference, but let me tell you, it does.
More testing to come.
Okay, so besides my fooling around with my seating position, I also found today, other signs of Bianchi life in the Flat Tire Universe(FTU):

I was pretty surprised, for I've only seen one other Bianchi on the road here.
This one wasn't celeste though.
I also went all the way up the hill in front of Flat Tire Central, just to check out the new house lots up there.
I counted eight new easements, so potentially eight new dwellings are going to come up on the hill.
They got a pretty nice view:

I would have a similar view from the Flat Tire Command Center, if my neighbors house wasn't there.
Finally, I got an email from my cousin, he bought a bicycle some time back and he's taking up my offer to go for a ride.
Next Sunday, if all goes according to plan, I get to test his legs a bit and see what he's got.
Supposedly, he reads this blog so here's some special words just for him:
Dude, I'm going to crush your soul!
Okay, not really.