Okay, it was here a while back but not really for the weather was really goofy up until this week.
Now the sun is shining, the breeze is gently swaying in the trees and the water is clear.
Oh yeah baby!
I haven't seen one of these in a while:

Used to be the bay was full of Hobie Cats, now it's them invasive kayaks and kite surfers.
Even the windsurfer dudes are rare.
Water sports is what you make it:

That looked like fun!
I wish I had someone to tow me around!
No free rides here:

Today was just riding around for fun.
No heart rate monitor, or cadence thingy for that matter.
I have to order another sensor for the Ciocc.
No problems with position either, for some reason the bike felt good, although I had my tools in my back pocket anticipating some adjustments.
Even the ride felt smoother today, I didn't notice the bumps too much and even the pedals seemed to turn a bit easier.
Maybe it was because the sun was shining in a clear sky.
I hung out at the beach for a bit, just sort of looking around.
I mean you gotta love the beach:

Okay, maybe I was distracted a bit.
Well okay.
More than just a bit.
Anyways, it seems like summer just started although I only have three weeks left of nothingness.
If the weather holds, I plan to make the most of it.
Clear skies and a cool breeze.
What more can you ask for?
Oh, a bike to ride.
Don't you know.

I didn't see any distractions except the beautiful bike :)
Peace :)
A bike to ride, an open road, nice weather and a beach like that one. No, there's nothing more to ask for. Next post in three weeks?
I wish my bike was my only distraction, unfortunately/fortunately, I got work to do.
Sort of.
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