Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Somethings

Okay, I don't really have anything today.
Only somethings.
Which are things, but not really.
Anyways, a little more on the Pearl Harbor path.
I didn't really notice this until the ending part of my ride, but there are these signs every now and then along the path:

There's also this gigantasaurus pipe that follows the path for some ways:

It occurred to me that parts of the path are probably access roads to maintain this thing.
I don't know if it's still in use or not, but I do know that somewhere in the beginning part of path are fuel bunkers hidden in them thar hills.
I just thought that was interesting.
I also forgot to mention that the Ewa plain(Ewa is pronounced eh-vah by the way) is where Oahu's second city was planned.
Housing is coming up left and right there, former agricultural land is being rezoned residential, despite all the protests to keep the land for crops.
There are still open parcels out there, just waiting for a developer:

The average price for a single family home here is over $500,000, so I expect more projects are on the horizon.
The vision of a second city never really happened as most folks still commute to Honolulu.
I gotta say, if I worked in downtown and lived out Ewa way, the Pearl Harbor path would be a viable means of getting to work.
I was fairly surprised at how fast I got out to Ewa, and I was stopping and taking pictures along the way.
I would imagine that bicycle time is just a little longer than car time, and it's way more pleasant than sitting in traffic.
Unfortunately, it's way to narrow to handle heavy use:

It got me thinking though, about how much is actually accessible by bicycle on that side of the island.
If you care to venture out.
Well okay, there are few sketchy places where you sort of have to improvise to get the paths to connect, but it can be done.
If the city would care to fix up those interruptions in the paths, it would be really great.
I believe there is a plan, but to be honest, the way the streets are set up here, I understand the problem.
There are no standard city blocks, streets run this way and that, even some major highways are interrupted; they end here, then begin over there.
Still, I guess it's getting better.
If there was a single path from say Waikiki to Pearl Harbor, a real path, that would be awesome.
You can do it, but it would take a bit of local knowledge to get around the sketchy parts.
Okay, well I guess this did turn into something after all, sort of a wishful thinking rant on making the paths here better.
I guess they're out there, I just gotta find them.
The paths I mean.

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